Mengatasi Gangguan Belajar

 Handbook on Overcoming Learning Disorders

         This book was written by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), a federal agency that supports worldwide research on the brain, psychiatric disorders and mental health, and scientists who present the results of their clinical research on the brain and all the disorders that accompany it. This book shows how to deal with disorders of the brain that cause us to experience delays or learning disorders that can lead to failure and low self-esteem in one's life.
        Learning disorders are retardation that affects a person's ability to interpret what they see and hear and the inability of various information coming from various parts of their brain. These difficulties appear when they do learning activities such as reading, writing, or counting. But not all difficulties in learning are called learning disorders (Learning Diosder). Learning difficulties can be divided into three categories:
1.      Difficulty in speaking and speaking
2.      Problems in academic ability (reading, writing, counting)
3.      Difficulty in coordinating body movements (ADHD)
        The factors that cause learning difficulties are really complex and broad. Some say because of damage to brain function or also because of damage that occurred before the child was born. Other studies mention because of genetic factors, drug use, problems during pregnancy and birth, toxins in the environment, and radiation to children with cancer who have undergone chemotherapy.
        The way to overcome learning difficulties is to realize it. There is an opinion that parents are the first to realize it. However, the fact is that the teacher was the one who first discovered the learning difficulties experienced by his students. Counseling guidance can greatly help people who experience learning delays. Counseling can help them to develop a greater sense of self-control and a positive attitude towards their own abilities.
        Each LD type is diagnosed in a slightly different way. To diagnose speech and language difficulties, therapists test the pronunciation of children's language sounds, vocabulary, and grammar knowledge and compare them with their normal peer abilities. In connection with the ability disturbances include reading, writing, and arithmetic, then the test is with the standard test method. Furthermore, the child's vision and hearing are examined to ensure that students can see the letters and hear them well.
        For nearly six decades, many children suffering from concentration problems have benefited from drug therapy. Three types of medicines, namely Ritalin, Dexedrine, and Cylert have been used successfully. Medications given in accordance with the dosage and schedule for drug administration to give a good effect.
         In addition, habitual change therapy can also help children delay learning and ADHD. By making changes to habits, children immediately get a real gift if they can apply properly. Obtaining the prize can help a person learn to control his actions, whether at home or at school. Whereas for people who experience language problems, training tasks can be explained by drawing diagrams. For people who experience problems in writing, reading, the problem can be solved by using word processing software that can check spelling.

Wood, Derek, (2014), Tips for Overcoming Learning Disorders , KATA HATI, Jogjakarta


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